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So it was a little over 3 years ago that I transferred to the school I’m at today, the University of the Incarnate Word.  Before that, I went to a school in Pennsylvania for the first semester of my freshman year.  Coming out of high school and through the first semester I was an arrogant kid who thought he was the star soccer player of the world.  My success on the field carried into every aspect of my life, to where I thought I was invincible and nothing I did would come with any consequence.  Needless to say, I turned away from God. 

Well God broke me pretty hard, and humbled me like I deserved… and so badly needed.  (Although at the time I just kind of assumed it was bad luck.)  So when I came to UIW in the spring, I knew things had to change.  I kind of kept to myself, because I was scared to fall back into the things that made me so miserable for the past year.  Not even my own teammates knew much about me outside of the soccer field.  I wasn’t doing all the things that caused me so much trouble before, but I was still essentially a Christian only by name, and not by action.  But in fall of my sophomore year, the miracle happened… and it was a calculator.

One of my teammates asked me if his friend could borrow my calculator for a test she had that day, not knowing much about me other than I was an engineering major, so he assumed I had a good calculator.  (Little did I know how solid of a Christian she was…) The next Monday, when she returned the calculator, she randomly asked me if I had any interest in going to a college fellowship gathering that took place right across the street (at Trinity University).  And it was finally on that Tuesday night, for the first time in 2 years, I really opened my heart to God.  And wow, how awesome is God’s mercy?!

I continued to attend this weekly gathering, “The Well”, for a year until this same calculator girl decided it was time we started our own praise and worship service at UIW.  With the same church helping us out, she started “The Fire”.  Her starting this group has helped me in my walk more than I could have ever imagined.  I am now a student intern for The Fire and it is through the church that helps our group that I have been given this opportunity to serve in India!

How incredible is God that he can take something so basic like a calculator and it lead to something so brilliant… His love.

3 responses to “When Things Just “Add Up””

  1. Kyle,

    Man it is almost creepy how much our lives line up. I majored in engineering and was grabbed by the Well at Trinity University my sophomore year of college by the college minister Jesse Skiffington who just asked if I would help set up chairs before the Well started. Jesus really does use the little things in life to grab you hook line and sinker. I look forward to serving with you this summer, it will be great!

  2. Kyle, I don’t care how it happened, I’m just glad it did. When you left for college all your Mom’s and my prayers were directed to God asking him to make you a man of God. I’m glad it worked. Not only are you a GREAT soccer player, but more importantly, you’re a great son, and a fine man of God. That is truley how Mom and I measure our success, how deeply is God imbedded in your heart. The rest is important, but only in what it allows us to do for Him. I’m proud of you and I’m touched by your love and service to the Lord. LOVE DAD

  3. WoW!

    I am praying for you everyday.

    I am so excited amd proud of you Kyle. You have again shown great courage in your approach to life and now you have taken it to another level and brought THE MAN with you. I look for great things to come out of this trip as with anytime Christians have decided to do the Lords will and let his glory shine through! I expect your light to shine bright and never be under the bed. I look forward to hearing some of your stories of how God has changed a life by what you are doing and how you are living.

    Coach Wise