About a year ago, I decided I needed to use the gifts and talents God had given me to serve Him. So, I became greatly involved at my church. Much of my free time was spent teaching 2nd graders during Children’s Church or leading 5th and 6th grade girls in AWANA’s. Sometimes, I would spend days with the Utah and Idaho Disaster Relief Team serving those in need. Then, there would be the numerous bible studies during the week. Throughout the last school year, church involvement had become one of my main focuses, along with school and work.
Just recently, I went to a mission’s conference in San Francisco and it has changed my perspective about serving the Lord. One of the speakers began sharing his experience while serving in Southeast Asia. He shared of the barriers he overcame with God’s help and the cultural differences he became aware of. However, before leaving on his mission, he described the missing link he and others had. He read a verse in Luke and explained what it has done for him, and what it can do for us. In Luke 10:2, Jesus tells his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
The work (ministering and sharing the gospel to unbelievers) is out in the harvest field. However, too often I get caught up doing the chores (ministries within my own church). When the work is ready to be done, I usually run out of time, energy and/or focus. God has called each of us out to take part in the Great Commission, but for many like me, it is the last thing on our list. It is important that the chores get done, and they need to be done. But there is a far greater calling, a calling to reach out to those who have not heard the good news and who have not experienced Gods love.
There is plenty of work to be done in the harvest field and God has called us to be His workers.