Upon arrival this week to training camp, two new participants were added to our team. Abu Chik and Lucy Inn are newly saved believers in Christ. They are growing in their faith daily, and were placed on our team to both help us grow in the Lord just as they will as well. THEY ARE CHICKENS! There is a good lesson to be learned from Abu and Lucy. Throughout training camp they are a part of our team, and we must care for them as if they were humans. To be honest, these chickens are a burden, and they are a lot of work, but how many times in our lives do we have to love someone or care for someone that we don’t necessarily like. Jesus said to love thy chicken…..oh wait, hahaha, seriously, Jesus said in John 15:17, “This is my command: Love each other!” Within this team we are committed to love each other. This summer is going to be hard, it is going to be a stretching experience. It will stretch each and everyone’s faith and trust in the Lord. There are going to be times when people get bummed out, or burnt out, and what will we choose to do as fellow participants. Will we leave them behind, and turn our faces away from their struggling, or will we care for the poor in spirit, will we not only mourn with them, but also rejoice with them when the Lord does something amazing through us. These chickens symbolize something, and that is the fact that we are committed to not leaving anybody behind. We are committed to loving each other, and serving each other this summer!
Last night our team was sitting around in a circle and we were talking about how the Lord has so quickly knit us together as a family, as the Body of Christ. It’s an amazing thing, and is truly supernatural. The guys, Kyle, Steven, Andrew, Jerry, Matt, and Joshua are beginning to rise up as men of God. I am so excited about their hunger for the Lord, for they are truly thirsting for Him, and God will pour out and fill them up with His love this summer. The ladies, Casey, Kourtney, Annie, Megan, Hannah, Krista, Laura, Jessica, Katherine, Jenna, Michelle, Alyson are opening up trusting the Lord with their hearts and it’s a beautiful thing. God is such a loving father and I know He cares so deeply for these amazing women of God! Allie and I feel it is such a privelege to be leading this trip to India with these incredible people. We can’t wait to get to India and meet up with our in-country leaders, Matt and Naomi Best, and our host.